You reworked your resume, perfected your cover letter, and landed the big job interview. But walking through the door is only the beginning. You know the person across the table from you will ask some difficult interview questions that will throw you off.

Most hiring managers will ask tough interview questions to see how you answer the question asked, to see if you’re the right fit for the job. It’s important for you to prepare in advance. We want to help you tackle the tricky interview questions so you can land your dream job!

Here are some questions you may be faced with:

1. “What are your greatest weaknesses?”
The strength and weakness questions are ALWAYS a given! You’ll want to use some care when answering the greatest weakness portion. Many articles say that you should make your biggest weakness a positive attribute, which is not something I recommend doing.

You want to be real and truthful about an area of development you truly need, but you want to avoid sharing something that’s serious and going to raise a red flag that you’re not a suitable candidate. No matter what your answer is, make sure you impress upon the hiring manager that you’re taking steps to improve.

Bad answers:
“I’m late all the time”
“I’ve been fired before”
“I find it hard to work with really opinionated people”

Good answers
“My analytical skills are very strong and I’m extremely comfortable with numbers, but I’m working on enhancing my writing skills”
“In the past, I’ve taken on a bit more than I can chew, so I’m honing my ability to manage my time better and making sure I understand what’s involved in extra tasks I say ‘yes’ to”


2. “Why should we hire you?”
This is a question that gets everyone thinking! Don’t let difficult interview questions such as this one psych you out. Use your experience, skills and knowledge to explain how you can add value to the company! Tying your strengths to the requirements in the job description is a must, it will prove to a hiring manager that you’re the best person for the job.

Bad answers:
“Because I’m the best”
“Because I’m passionate about it”
“Because I’d be a great employee”

Good answers:
“It looks like having project management experience and technical acumen is critical to this role. Let me tell you about how I’ve developed those skills at my previous jobs”
“The numbers I achieved at my current job show my dedication to performance. They’re an example of the kind of results you can expect from me”

3. “Why do you want this job?”
The interviewer doesn’t want to think that you’re sending out hundreds of job applications, Hiring managers want you to hear the rhyme and reason behind why you applied for their job opening.
When answering this questions, you should address three key points: how your skills match the position, why you’re enthusiastic about the job, and how you fit into the company’s culture.

Bad answers:
“Because I need a paycheck”
“Because I heard there’s free lunch”
“Because your office is close to my house”

Good answers:
“I’m excited to see there’s a lot of opportunity to use advanced computer skills in this position. Being able to build my skills and continue to develop in a growing company is important to me, and there seems to be long-term opportunities here”
“This organization’s priorities for ethics, teamwork and effectiveness match my own. What’s most important to me is finding a place where individuals want to work together, as a true team. I see that reflected here. The match of what you need with what I can do is clear, and the additional benefit of having the same values and community interests lead me to want to be here more than anywhere else”.

– Wentworth James Team