Game week 2 finishes with David Slann still taking the lead at a huge 157 points. Triple captain in game week 1 has paid off. His top performers this week were Jesus, Cancelo and Foden. With Haaland as captain, he has gained 74 points overall for this week.

Following in David’s footsteps is Roman Slusarenko. Using his triple captain on Haaland has ended up getting him 78 points overall for this week taking the second spot for game week 2.  With Cash and Andreas potentially not playing, what will Roman decide to do?

On the same points overall at 149 is Harrison Wood, in game week 1 he took the top spot alongside David. He made the right decision switching from Salah to Haaland for game week 2. However, Darwin has cost him two points and is suspended until September leaving him at 66 points this week. Harrison is yet to use his triple captain yet, unlike David and Roman. Who will Harrison replace Darwin with?

Towards the end of the league, we see some disappointing results.

At 92 points overall and 46 of them from game week 2, Hayley Pearce takes the bottom spot this week. With Salah as captain costing her and the substitutes all scoring 0 points, what will Hayley decide to do to make a comeback?

Daryl Allen has moved from bottom to second bottom with 93 points overall. With Darwin costing him -2 points and Digne another -1, Daryl got 56 points for this week which is an improvement from 41 points which we saw in game week 1.

In 3rd bottom is Steven King who made the mistake of captaining Darwin costing him -4 points and Saliba costing another. Steven would’ve been better off captaining his vice Jesus who gained Steven the most points in his team at 19. Overall, at 102 points, how will he pull this back?

The top performer of the week scoring 88 points is Joe Burns who made the smart decision to captain Jesus. This got him a massive 38 points due to Jesus outstanding performance with 2 assists and 2 goals. With other big points from Cancelo, Martinelli and James, it will be interesting to see who Joe captains in week 3.

Special mention to Jay Plant scoring 87 points with a strong solid defence and Sa in goal. Jay made the better decision to captain Haaland rather than Salah but ended up losing points from Darwin and Rice.

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