Preparing for an interview is an important step on your way to getting a new job. Having a thorough plan can both help you remain calm during the interview and set you apart from other candidates. Here is a list of steps to help you get started with your interview prep:

1. Analyse the job description

Thoroughly reading the job description helps you to understand what qualifications, qualities and background the employer is looking for in candidates applying to this role. You can use this information to best determine which of your qualities and qualifications you want to emphasise. Understanding the job description may also tell you more about the company in general and help you think of possible questions the interviewer might ask.

2. Review your knowledge and qualifications

After reminding yourself of what the employer is looking for in candidates, review your CV to identify the qualifications you provided the employer that you’ll likely be asked to elaborate on. You may be required to explain how your professional background fits in with the job description and role’s expectations.

This is also a good time to figure out how this job aligns with your future goals. Think about how this position fits in your career path and how it could help you reach your ultimate professional and personal goals.

3. Research the company’s organisational structure

Having a full understanding of the company and your potential position within allows you to better determine how you’ll fit in with the employees, management and overall company culture, which you may be asked about. Here are a few places to research before your interview:

  • Company website and ‘About Us’
  • Company history, mission and values
  • Company social media
4. Practice interview questions

Reviewing common interview questions is a great tool for preparing for an interview. Thinking through these questions helps you to present yourself eloquently, accurately and positively. Take note of your skills and past accomplishments and think about how you can integrate these points into your answers to prove that you can be a great addition to the company.

Common interview questions may include:

  • Why do you want this job?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
5. Prepare for industry/ role specific evaluation

You should also be prepared for a possible test or evaluation, which the interviewer may use to see your skills at work. This may be a test to see if you can use certain tools and equipment. In this case it is important to be truthful during the interview and on your CV because you may be tested.

6. Make sure you have questions prepared to ask the interviewer

Prepare several questions to ask the interviewer to show that you are interested in learning more about the company and have a thorough understanding of the position. Here are some questions you might ask:

  • What’s a typical day like for a person in this position?
  • What’s your favourite thing about working for this company?
  • I’ve really enjoyed learning about this role. What are the next steps in the hiring process?